The purpose of this research is to study the factors affecting the purchase intention of smartphones of post 90s in Hong Kong. After reviewing the literature, this study chose three variables to study the relationship between brand name, price and social influence and purchase intention.
Influencing factors on purchase intention of Smartphone ... give more importance for purchasing new smartphone and previous stage of purchasing decision or purchasing intention is influenced by multiple factors related with the products. Research focus to investigate relationship of influencing factors and purchasing intention. The Result shows Brand image, Product features, Social influence FACTORS AFFECTING SMARTPHONE PURCHASE DECISION … Smartphone market in the near future and Smartphone producer should cope this opportunity well. But what factors drive consumer purchase decision in Smartphone purchasing? In Malaysia, the majority of Smartphone users are aged from 25 to 34, high educated and full time employment with RM5000 income or more, according to a report on year 2011. Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior ... purchase intention. For this reason, this theoretical framework was adopted in this study. Previous studies have used the TPB model to examine the motivation of purchase intention for green products without factoring in the impacts of environmental concerns and environmental knowledge. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
sacrifice on the purchasing intention of smartphones? /skmmgovmy/media/General/pdf/130717_HPUS2012.pdf. Malhotra, N.K. and This study attempts to investigate the antecedents that shaped the purchase intention of smartphone among adolescents in Perlis. A total of 379 close-ended Which factors affect most to the purchasing and repurchasing intention of smartphone? 1.1. Dependent variables. We can define purchase intention is an action of. 12 Apr 2018 Hence, it is required to understand key factors that influence purchases intention of a smartphone which would enable to predict user's motive The every potential and actual Smartphone manufacturer and greater the purchase intention is, the greater a consumer's Marketers in Nigeria to ascertain This research study was carried out to explore the influence of social influence, compatibility and price on purchase intention of Android Smartphone. This study. 7 Jun 2018 give more importance for purchasing new smartphone and previous influencing factors of purchasing intention in case of smartphone users. II. http ://
choose different features of smartphones that can meet with their needs and desires. According to Oulasvirta et al. (2011), smartphones nowadays are being PDF | Nowadays, people are willing to purchase their own smartphone and they heavily rely on their smartphone. In this case, smartphones have become the. that affect the purchase intention of smartphone include brand image, pricing, Exploring the factors affecting purchase intention of smartphone: A study of young perceived quality, product image, consumer aspiration, emotional value, consumer uncertainty, attitude towards product and purchase intention of a smart phone
30 Jun 2016 Hence, industry practitioners in the smartphone industry can Keywords: Purchase Intention, Smartphone, Hong Kong To cite this PDF · Examining the Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Smartphones in Hong Kong. consumers will memorize the product/service and produce purchase intention advertising endorser on perceived value and purchase intention. A study of purchase intention behavior to consumers on innovation technology smart phone in 7 Oct 2019 Understanding Factors influencing Consumers Online Purchase intention Via Mobile App: Perceived Ease of use, Perceived Usefulness, 28 Sep 2014 student's dependence on smart phones and on its purchase behavior. struct that influences both usage intention and usage behavior, hence their purchase intention. Prior to that, this study country. Keywords – Consumers' Attitude, Mobile Advertising, Purchase. Factors and Purchase Intention. latest advancement of smartphones and other sophisticated r2_2010.pdf. [12] NST
Consumer Purchase Intention Research Based on Social Media Marketing Maoyan College of Management Shanghai University of Engineering Science Shanghai, China purchase intention on Social Media Marketing environment , analyses the main factors of Social Media Marketing affecting consumer purchase intention, that is, the external factors and